Sunday, November 9, 2008


“That just happened!” –another popular phrase of Stevens Field Hockey
Even before I came on my recruiting trip in November 2004 Coach Reed believed that she could build a championship team. Yesterday it happened as Stevens field hockey defeated W&J 3-1 to win the Empire 8 conference championship. The best explanation for this entire weekend is the following quote by Douchan Gersi that Women’s Basketball left in our locker room: “Victory always starts in the head. It's a state of mind. It then spreads with such radiance and such affirmations that destiny can do nothing but obey.” We believed in each other, we believed that we could win, and we WANTED A CHAMPIONSHIP T-SHIRT.
Looking back on yesterday, the day is a big blur. It started with our assistant coach drinking multiple cups of coffee, the team warming up in shirts we made the night before, and our famous singing of the National Anthem. All of which was followed by some of the most confident 70 minutes of field hockey that this team has played. Before the much awaited t-shirt presentation, Alli Shields was named tournament MVP, a well deserved honor for our “midget.” After the team pictures, the celebration continued with our family and fans at our second tailgate of the weekend!
Other than the t-shirt, the best thing about winning the conference is that we receive an automatic bid to the NCAA’s. At approximately 11pm Sunday, the bracket was posted on the NCAA website. I had just opened my computer when I noticed, so I clicked on the bracket and left the room before I even looked. I knew Kara had been refreshing her Internet Explorer all night, so I ran straight to her room (screaming). Once Kara opened the bracket we found out that we will be playing Wooster on Wednesday. This added to the excitement as Sloth (’08 alumnae) is the assistant coach at Wooster. We then noticed the asterisk next to our name, indicating that we are HOSTING the game! Home field advantage is huge in field hockey and I am excited for whatever Wednesday brings.
So look for Stevens Field Hockey on campus today – we are wearing the sweet Empire 8 CHAMPIONSHIP t-shirts!!
-Casey Scherck

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