Thursday, March 26, 2009

Field Trip to New Meadlowlands!!

So...for those of you that don't know, Kara and I (Liz) are both civil engineering majors, and about a month ago we had the privilege of going on a FIELD TRIP!! We are currently taking a class with our teams academic adviser, Leslie Brunell, and she organized a field trip to the New Meadowlands. On a blustery Friday in February Kara and I ventured with about 40 other civil engineering students to the current location of Giants Stadium. Once there we went into one of the most intense construction trailers I have ever seen. You would never imagine how nice those little boxy trailers can get inside! We met with a Skanska representative who told us all about the construction that was going on currently and what would eventually be happening. Some fun facts about the New Meadowlands:
-The New Meadowland stadium is 30 feet away from the old Giant Stadium
-The whole project is a joint project split 50-50 with the Giants and the Jets
-Apparently the Jets want all the fancy schmansy stuff in their lockerrooms and the owners suits, not the Giants! (Kara and I are both Eagle's fans, so we like making fun of both teams)
-The project is actually AHEAD of schedule right now! The stadium should be finished by the end of the upcoming season, and as soon as the last NFL game is played in Giants Stadium they are going to start taking it down.
-Giant Stadium is going to be taken down piece by piece, not exploded due to its close proximity to the New Meadlowlands

Kara and I walked all around the stadium, walking down on field level, up in the owners suits, behind where the scoreboards are going to be and along where the fan seating is going to be. We got to wear hard hats, safety vests and safety glasses!!! Despite being absolutely FREEZING and windy we had a blast! It was really cool to see what goes on behind the scenes, and being able to see things that we had drawn in previous summer jobs and learned about in class was really fun. We would walk around saying "Hey look, REBAR!" and other silly things. It just goes to show that you are never to old to go on a field trip!!

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