Thursday, April 2, 2009

Drexel this saturday!!!

So, hopefully EVERYONE reading this knows that we will be playing at Drexel on Saturday!! If you read down a few posts you can see the schedule we will be playing. Everyone is getting super PUMPED! It is by far the highlight of my spring. We have been working hard to be able to compete and hold our ground with the high caliber of the DI schools that will be there, and we are looking AWESOME! Our volunteers have been coming out and playing with us (Shout out to Duncan, Daniel, Meiko, Megan, Dennis and Enriquo!) We have been fortunate enough to have later practices during the week so that our volunteers and seniors can come and play with us, even having enough to play full field with two FULL teams (including two goalies!) last week. Everyone is working hard at our team practices and individuals with coach, and the improvements can be seen in everyone! We are definitely going to give Rutgers, LaSalle and Drexel a run for their money this weekend. Hope to see all of our fans out supporting us and to see a sneak preview of how great we're going to be this fall! -Special shout out to Kara and Karen and the rest of the Women's Lacrosse team, who was recently ranked 13th in the IWLCA poll!! They have both had awesome seasons so far, Kara scored 3 goals this past weekend, and Karen is 4th on the team in scoring with 19!! They have a big weekend coming up as they play their conference rival Ithaca on Saturday while we are at Drexel, you can follow them the same way you follow us at Good Luck Women's Lacrosse!!!!! -Liz "Voldie" Zmijewski

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